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2020 - A Lookback

Updated: Feb 28

2020 was by far the most forgettable, yet memorable year, but we made it through and it's time to take a step back. Obviously, there were a tremendous amount of negatives in 2020, but it also presented many individuals with unique opportunities. I was one of those individuals that took this time to pursue something I've always dreamed of. Before we get started into the events of 2020, let's take a look at the Twitch stats.

In just 9 months these are the Twitch stats (I began streaming again on 3/21).

Time Streamed - 52 Days

Time Watched - 51,167 Hours

Flashback to March, it has been roughly 21 months since my last Fortnite stream back in college. At the time, I was streaming off my PS4 and using my laptop to read chat. As the world started to enter a lockdown, I started playing more and more Warzone with the boys.

Originally, I used the HDR sniper and an MP7. I remember distinctly getting 7-10 kill wins, which I thought was unreal (lul). Fast forward a little bit and I started hitting a few sniper clips and getting clutch dubs which really made me miss streaming. On March 21st, 2020, I fired the stream back up to an average of 2.3 viewers for 6 hours, streaming off my PS4. Since then, we've been cruising ever since.

In April, I decided to take the leap and upgrade to a streaming PC. Funny enough, it took me about 2-3 months of actually having the PC before I actually started to game off it (shoutout MFans for convincing me). For the first PC stream, you know we got a lil fancy and brought out the Tuxedo T-shirt.

We've come a LONG way from that stream to say the least. Below are some other memorable events that happened on 2020.

JPrem and I won the 1st inaugural Bagwell Crucible - KEEP PEELING

The INFAMOUS 8 game win streak with Smitty, Datboytmatt and Himicane (those alerts tho) -

My first MFAM Gauntlet Main Event with Smitty, Skullface and N0wh3re

Casting my first Barstool Common Man Cup with Jake Marsh + The 1st RagNation Warzone Cup

Placing 1st in the Galvanize Showdown

Clutching dubs with Megan Anderson

Securing a 55 Kill win with Billy and Hank in Zombie Royale

Launching + first edition Merch

THE 24 HOUR STREAM (pushed to 26+ hours)

To finally casting the Barstool #CollegeGamingChampionship

Last but certainly not least, the launch of ONE BULLET POD

Bonus: Boxing Bonzer like a fish

It has been a wild year to say the least. What I am most happy about is the amazing community that we have built in #RagNation. Whether it is simply chatting in discord, having a few drinks and playing Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Guv Goat), laughing at an Cool and good meme, or sub games in Verdansk, the community ALWAYS shows support day in and day out. We truly have each other's back and it makes streaming so enjoyable when you feel like you're just hanging out with your friends.

As I close out this blog, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for everyone that has enjoyed being a part of this journey. We have a lot of work to do in 2021 and I couldn't be more excited for the future.



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