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A Promise to my Community

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

Early on in my streaming career, I had a lot of fun with making promises to my community. An example of one of these would be - if we hit 500 follows on Twitch, I will reset my Black Ops 3 multiplayer stats. Not thinking I would ever come close, my community actually rallied together and we hit this goal. As painful as it was at the time, I reset my multiplayer stats (was Master Prestige level 200 at this time).

I wanted to bring these promises back to my community and have a little fun with it. Therefore, the current promise is:

If I hit 250 subs on YouTube, I will schedule a 24 hour stream! This will mainly be a community stream where everyone in my discord will vote on how I spend each 6 different 4 hour segments. If you would like to help me reach my goal, then subscribe to the YouTube channel here!


On November, 20th, 2020, we completed this promise to #RagNation! I was able to push the stream out to 26+ hours and could not have imagined a better stream. From start to finish it was pure electricity from the chat and the various games we played. I appreciate everyone who came through and showed some support!

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