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Among Us Is Officially on Console

Among Us devs just anounced that Among Us is out now on the switch! The game costs $5 which is the same price as purchasing it on a PC.

The devs also confirmed they have been working for months to bring the game onto other consoles as well.

The game could benefit the most from an in-game chat feature aside from just text. If there was some form of voice chat, it would make public matches much better (potentially - but this could absolutely backfire). Additionally, it would also allow ghosts to be able talk to each other instead of sitting in silence for 10 min while they watch their friends be the 3rd and 4th impostor.

It will be very interesting to see how the game is played on console devices. Regardless, Among Us coming to console is a W because we all know the struggle of playing on mobile.

Myself, along with countless other players are patiently waiting for the new map drop (coming sometime early in 2021). Among Us is a ton of fun to play but playing the same two maps repeatedly can make the game stale. Let's be honest, does another actually enjoy playing the Mira HQ?

What features would you like to see added to the game?


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