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DMRzone or Painzone?

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Warzone is not off to a hot start in 2021, let me tell you that. The DMRzone has really made the game feel borderline unplayable. There was a supposed "nerf" on the gun but it is still the most OP weapon to use currently in Warzone. I wanted to test the update for myself yesterday and I ended up dropping a 23 kill win. If you want to hear my thoughts on the "nerf" watch this video -

As you can see, the gun did get a damage reduction especially when considering headshot damage reduced from 170+ down to 110+, but the gun is still way too easy to get kills with. Semi-auto rifles also promote a much slower gameplay and makes it virtually impossible to cross any area of the map without a vehicle (even if you are in a vehicle, good luck). The nerf Raven software put out just simply was not enough.

If you want to hear more about the current state of Warzone, listen to the One Bullet Pod hosted by Bonzer and I here - or on Spotify

Ultimately, Warzone is not in a good place right now. Big streamers are expressing their frustrations and a lot of players have been looking for different games to play. I mean I am starting to stream Chess on my Twitch channel (shoutout 1k and LarryGordo for being our house pros #unbeatable). Additionally, competitive Warzone kill race players + content creators are getting exposed left and right for their methods to significantly reduce SBMM. This topic will be addressed in a later blog post.

Every meta feels like it is the worst when you are playing in it, but I truly would take any other meta than this current state with the DMR. On the podcast, Bonzer and I also talk about our favorite and least favorite metas. We both agree that this meta is overwhelmingly the worst. The DMR just gives any player to slay within really 100+ meters by just spraying and praying.

A simple fix would be to make the DMR use sniper ammo (similar to the SKS). Then, ammo would be a massive problem for the DMR because you would only have 40 shots in reserve and the usage of the gun would drop significantly. Furthermore, I believe the gun should have more recoil than it's current state. When considering any changes to the DMR, you also must make those changes to the Type 63 as it is an extremely similar gun to the DMR.

I am hoping we see a real nerf come soon because DMRzone is simply just not it.




Bouta become Grandmasters out here



the house pro shoutout! big things coming 2021!!

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