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EP 9 - XSet Gaming's Fro

XSet Fro is an absolute stud in the Warzone scene. He's probably the last guy you want to run into in Verdansk. He has the 11th highest Warzone Earnings at $59,000+ and the 13th most kills (3rd NA) at 88,221 kills (as of this podcast drop). He recently joined XSet Gaming as a content creator.


4:42 - Fro Joins the Show (Fro v Bonz)

5:47 - Fro’s PR of 50 Kills

14:25 - Fro’s Warzone Come-Up Story

20:05 - Fro’s Story of going full-time as a content creator

24:15 - Fro Joining XSet

30:02 - Full-Time Streaming Fortnite vs Warzone (Streamer Tips)

31:45 - Craig is 34

34:00 - Competitive Warzone

41:50 - New BR comes to the surface - Stay on Warzone or Grind the New Game?

46:55 - Bonz vs Fro Kill Race...

48:05 - Coward of the Week





One Bullet Socials


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