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Fallout 4 vs Fallout 76 - Which Game Should You Play?

Fallout 4 vs Fallout 76! Which game should you be playing in 2018? This video was a ton of fun for me to make as Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time.

Right now, it might be really hard to know which game you should be diving into - my biggest advice: get Xbox Game Pass (if possible) so you can have access to both! Xbox Game Pass is hands down the best deal in gaming!

Fallout 4 also just recently had its next gen update to bring the graphics into the modern day of gaming. The update looks INCREDIBLE! I wish more games were able to do this because it really revitalizes the game. On the other hand, Fallout 76 has constantly seen a series of updates since it's release. In my previous blog, we do a really deep dive into Fallout 76 and how much it has changed throughout the years.

I hope you enjoy the video and let me know which game you're playing in 2018!

History of Fallout thumbnail


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