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How to Become a Better Sniper in Warzone (Part 1)

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

If you've seen any of my recent gameplay, you know that I have went all-in as a Sniper main with an MP5 as my secondary. Since switching to a sniper, I've had a lot more fun in Verdansk and have given myself unique opportunities in gunfights. This is way easier said than done, but if you can consistently hit headshots - there's no better gun in the game than a sniper.

Just like with the Training Camp Series, this Part 1 is going to be all about your setup. First, you have to choose the right sniper from you. I am only going to be including the 4 snipers that I think are usable in Warzone (sorry Dragunov and Rytec).


Let's start with the HDR. For a period of time, this was my favorite sniper in the game. The main reason being it is the strongest sniper by far with the fastest bullet velocity. Obviously with a sniper, the bullet velocity will impact how much you have to lead your shot. With the HDR, it is really minimal leading which makes for easier snipes. You'll never get a hit marker when an enemy has no plates.

However, being the strongest comes with bulkiness. By far, the HDR has the slowest mobility (ADS + Movement Speed) of all the snipers listed. The HDR is a very powerful sniper but it is very tough to play aggressively and push teams. This sniper is best used when you are the anchor of your team and sitting back trying to pick heads and break armor for your squad.


Probably my least used sniper of the 4, up next we have the AX-50. This sniper is the best combination of power and mobility. It hits harder than the Kar or SP-R with better mobility than the HDR. The ADS speed feels good but it is not the easiest sniper to play aggressively with. The bullet velocity is mediocre - in fact, I originally had a tough time figuring out how to lead with this sniper which is mainly why I did not use it. When an enemy is plate-less, hit markers are extremely rare - non-existent. A very solid option if you want to begin sniping.

SP-R (aka R700)

The MOST BROKEN Sniper upon release. If you used the Lapua or Norma Magazine Attachment, the sniper became hitscan (meaning you did not have to lead your shots), so I was able to snipe people 300+ meters across the map in Verdansk. Thankfully, it has been fixed.

The SP-R has a unique sniper score and reticle which I like a lot. Great mobility + great ADS speed. If you want to be able to play aggressively with a sniper, your best chance is to master either this weapon or the Kar. With great mobility and ADS speed, comes lack of power. You can certainly get hit markers on plate-less enemies which is very rage inducing (I know from experience). Better reload time than the Kar because you reload the full clip instead of individual bullets.

Bullet drop (vertically) is interesting on this gun. Seems like you almost always have to aim slightly above an enemy's head. Post-nerf, I tried to use this gun because of its mobility. However, I continuously was breaking armor and getting hit markers when I felt like the snipes should have been headshots. Ultimately, this is why I went back to my favorite sniper...


The baby <3 #KarMeta - Surprisingly enough, I hated the Kar when I first stormed Verdansk. I felt like it was too weak and the sniper reticle was not good (which I still believe - I use PinPoint reticle on my sniper score, it is so much better. Big Truss). The Kar is tied with the SP-R for best mobility and also some of the lowest damage output.

As I started getting better at Warzone and understood how to intelligently play aggressively, I realized the Kar was my best option if I wanted to snipe and keep my playstyle (this was also before the SP-R was released). Simply, when you have the fastest ADS speed, you can play much more aggressive than having to waste time aiming down sight.

It absolutely took some time and a lot of missed shots, but once I got my shot and aim down with the Kar, the rest has been history. If you were to tell me a month ago that I would confidently be using a Kar/MP5 loadout when playing in tournaments, I legit would've called you insane. Yet, here we are! In my first tournament using the Kar, Team #CMC (shoutout Bonz, Cole and Justy) won the tournament by 1 point! Not only is the Kar clip central, but I also enjoy playing Warzone a lot more than when I ran with just a Kilo.


I am writing this blog to tell you guys that you can and should try every single one of these snipers before sticking with just one. Each sniper has a different bullet velocity, so the only way to get better with each sniper is through snipe after snipe (missed bullet after missed bullet) until you get the bullet leading down pat. There's no magic formula or special sauce to understanding this.

In future blog posts and training camp, I will discuss more about sniper positioning and centering tips that have helped me become a sniper main. However, the most important thing is picking a sniper that suits you best. There is no right or wrong sniper to use in Verdansk. Ideally, use the sniper that you consistently get the most headshots with. As my boy FaZe Pamaj says, "Aim Higher." (Also, can we squad up sometime Pam? A man could dream.)

Sniping isn't for everyone, but boy does it make slaying Verdansk a lot more fun.

1 comment

1 Comment

Maya Wardle
Maya Wardle
Sep 21, 2021

Thank you for writing thiis

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