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Is Fortnite Making a Comeback?

Updated: Feb 28

If you told me in March that I would be writing a blog and playing Fortnite in December of 2020, I probably would've either laughed in your face or block you on the spot. BUT, here we are in December 2020 and Fortnite is making a comeback for the ages.

On 12/1, Fortnite had an EPIC live event which drew 15.3 million players and 3.4 million viewers across YouTube and Twitch. These numbers are nothing short of incredible:

In their latest update, they brought back a version of Tilted Towers combined with Salty Springs. It brings back some nostalgia to the good old of Fortnite's peak. I could only imagine the hype if they brought back the Season 1 map...

What really caught my eye during this resurgence was Nickmercs enthusiasm when talking about Fort and this tweet was even before the map change took place:

This led to controller GOAT Aydan getting the urge to play again:

I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see this dynamic duo make Titled Springs their stomping grounds again. For those of you who don't know, Aydan and Nickmercs previously used to duke it out on Tilted to see who could get more elims. It eventually led to them teaming up in the Fall Skirmish of 2018 and absolutely running Tilted Towers.

Yesterday, I was watching Nick's stream and he was just constantly talking about how he is grinding off stream to get better and wants to compete at the highest level again. As a member of the MFAM, it would be electric to see him back in some Cash Cups.

The map update even got me back on the game. Honestly, after a few games I was even feeling the itch to grind and improve.

Now, I'm not entirely sure if I am craving something new and competitive aside from Warzone or if I truly want to get back into the Fortnite wave. This is something that we will see in time. However, dropping back into the island brings back some major nostalgia and pubs don't feel as sweaty as I remember. My first time hopping back on to Fortnite prior to my 24 hour stream was probably about a full year ago - so I'm a little rusty to say the least.

Let me end by saying this, I am even shocked that I am back playing Fortnite. BUT, I am really enjoying my time back. We'll see if it lasts or if it's just a fad.

Anyone else grinding Fort??



Dec 03, 2020

Oh that's right - I forgot you were a coward JFly


Justin Staropoli
Justin Staropoli
Dec 03, 2020

good read but no

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