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Is the M16 viable in Warzone?

The entire Warzone community (myself included), has been searching for the next Warzone meta. This is without a doubt, the longest time there has been a no meta Warzone after a large update (the second DMR nerf). To be honest, I love it. Seems like everyone is able to use a variety of guns depending on their comfortability. For a short time, it looked like the M16 could potentially become that new "broken" Warzone weapon.

I purposely waited to right this blog to get a little more gameplay with the M16 to see if it can consistently slay or not. In one of my first games using a high-leveled M16, I was able to secure a 25 kill Warzone victory in stimulus solos (the best game mode).

After spending a little more time with the M16 loadout, I think the M16 can be extremely good at times, but like Bonzer's stream schedule, it really struggles with its consistency. Sometimes it feels like every single bullet in the burst will hit and other times it only seems like 1/3 bullets hit the target. The easiest way to reduce this inconsistency is to use the gun at shorter - medium range because at long range, you'll really feel the guns downside.

It's not that the gun doesn't kill at range, it will sometimes take 2-3 more bursts than you would assume. Like all Cold War weapons, this tactical rifle (why is it not considered an AR? Makes no sense to me) has a serious bullet velocity problem. This seems to be an issue with all Cold War guns and I am not sure why this actually happens. It may have something to do with the fact that Cold War guns' most common barrel attachments do not increase bullet velo (or increase bullet velocity as significantly as MW guns). ultimately, what this means for the player is that you will have to lead your shot much more compared to almost all Modern Warfare guns. It makes shooting people out of the air and shooting moving targets at decent range (50+ meters) a learned skill.

I will say, there will be some close - mid range gunfights where you absolutely delete opponents. My M16 loadout can be found down below and if you have it unlocked, use the Western Front blueprint to flex that American skin. Couple this loadout with your favorite SMG and start slaying.

Let me know your thoughts on Twitter or in the comments section after trying this gun!

To provide my rationale for my final verdict, when I use a "Meta" Warzone gun, it can kill relatively quickly at ANY range. Think about this past Kilo meta, anyone within 15m-200m, I could kill pretty confidently. There would be very few times when I let an opponent get away. Furthermore, getting comfortable with a burst weapon takes time. It's not as smooth as an automatic weapon.

Final Verdict - the M16 is a top tier gun close-mid range (15-50m) but below average past (70+m).

Definitely worth giving a shot in your next Verdansk drop.


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