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Meet the Designer: Greg T

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Greg T - better known as DJ Greggy or DJ Greg T

Greg and I went to college together and have shared many, many drinks. He was always very interested in gaming and supportive of the stream.

As I started to get more involved with YouTube, he realized he may be able to help through his experience with graphic design. One thing led to another and now he basically handles all of the logos/designs for me. It started with just YouTube thumbnails, but his attention to detail was so phenomenal that it led to him designing my merch and flyers for my tournament.

Some of Greg's recent work:

Lastly, he was able to provide us with a CLEANNNNN MRags Bandana.

Ultimately, I just wana give my boy a big shoutout for all his hard work since April. He has had a huge impact on the community (especially behind the scenes) where a lot of people do not see the work that goes in. Feel free to hit him up with any graphics design needs!

Side note - Greg is a DJ on the side, check out his latest soundcloud playlist here -



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