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MRags is on a Power Trip.

Enough was enough. I worked my last day in an office environment on Dec 9th, 2020. After dominating the software sales space for 5 years - my time I has come to an end. It was stressful, the days were long, and I was FALSELY terminated due to a number of sexual harassment claims by one of my male co-workers. Cancel culture is getting ridiculous.

Luckily, this was around the time that Matt brought me on full-time to start a gaming podcast and blog once a week. Negotiations were brutal. After discussing with my team for about 5 minutes, we agreed on Matt's offer. One year contract, zero dollars guaranteed, 5% of merch sales, 2% of all ad revenue and he owns the entire domain. After realizing I was in this deal I immediately fired my team. Matt may seem all shy an innocent but he sure drives a hard bargain. It was either take the deal or end up back at my parents house working for some multi-level marketing scheme. The thought of selling Herbalife was not where I wanted to be. I was meant for the big bright lights. So I joined MRagsTV LLC, for free.

Now for the hard part, explaining to my wife that I "quit" my job to work for some snotty nosed headband wearing 24 year old kid. It's been about 6 weeks and I haven't made a dime. Our merch went out yesterday and it went great - so I thought. You see, all of the merch orders go to Matt and according to him we only sold two T shirts. This didn't make sense since my timeline was filled with 1B merch orders. Was Matt lying to me? Will I ever get my 5% of the merch revenue. I generally would call him out directly, but he's on some sort of power trip since his sub train. On our weekly phone calls/business meetings he can't go more than 2 minutes without belittling me and asking me what my twitch sub count was. He also keeps saying the phrase " I made you". This is getting out of hand!

Matt is becoming a control freak and a borderline psychopaths. The other day when sharing his screen, I noticed his background was a picture of Joseph Stalin with the quote "Death is the solution to all problems". He's even doing all of our ad reads for the pod, a job that used to be mine! He has changed so much from when we first met. We used to play Warzone together all the time, but now, his new motto is "if you aren't verified on twitch, don't invite me to play". He's even gone as far as cutting back on his sub days dramatically. I asked him, "Hey Matt, today is your sub day, shouldn't you be playing with them"? To which he replied, "you actually think I care about my subs?"

As his sub counts soars, so does his ego. I'm afraid that we'll never get the old MRags back.


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