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MRags Training Camp Part 3 on YouTube Now!

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

MRags Training Camp Part 3 is on YouTube now! Watch it here!

We are at 235 subs as of the time I am writing this post which means we are 15 subs off our 24 hour stream! If you haven't already, please subscribe to the channel!

It was tough for me to choose which highlights to include in this video because there were a lot of information we covered. Ultimately, I decided on including the following:

  1. My tips for getting air kills

  2. Since I secured a high kill solo win in one of my first games on stream, I broke down my positioning and rotation that helped me win the game

  3. I broke down an older gameplay where I clutched up a 1v2 and showed my plays/positioning when it was myself vs 3 enemy teams

  4. A clip of me killing a Juggernaut with a stun grenade (21 kill win) because Poggers

Next Tuesday at 7:30pm EST will be our next live MRags Training Camp on Twitch at

Comment below what you would like to see on Tuesday! I'll accept any gun requests (within reason) and play styles (high kills or strictly wins). On 11/3, we mainly focused on high kill solo wins, how to position yourself in gunfights and best strategies to rotate in the final circles. Ideally, I'll most likely start again with Solos on Tuesday but I would also like to breakdown some recent clips/gameplay worth showing.

If you would like me to review any of your clips during the stream, please send the clip link in our #clips discord channel -


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