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#RagNation Clip(s) of the Week (Week 2)

Week 2 is officially in the books and let me just say, it was a little bit tough to pick just one clip from all the submissions. Therefore, for this week we are going to have 3 co-winners plus a few honorable mentions! I guess this week should really be clips of the week...

If you would like to submit your clip of the week, join our discord here! The only other requirement is that you are a sub on Twitch. The clips can come from any game! If you have any questions, comment below or ask me in discord. The best format to submit the clip link is via a twitter link or YouTube link!

The Week 2 Winners are...


I have never seen a chopper kill where someone literally bounces a bird off the enemies head to kill him...truly a graceful kill by Robo

Follow RoboCronus on Twitter @robocronus or click here. He streams on Twitch at on Wednesday and Friday at 7:30pm Central!


We ALL know I am a big fan of sniping clips. Add a little collateral into there while the enemies are in a moving vehicle!?!? OKAY Hoolywood!! I see you! Great clip and keep fragging!

Follow Hollywoodgamin on Twitter @brycehoeppner or click here!


Again, just the key to my heart. But truthfully, this is one of the farthest sniper shots I've ever seen plus it was on a chopper....absolutely wild. Nice shots bro!!

Follow LouBearPig on Twitch, Twitter and Tiktok! Lou streams on Twitch from 1130pm - 4am CST Mon-Sat and 1pm-6pm CST on Sunday!

Honorable Mentions

These 2 individuals are better known as true meme lords in every sense of the imagination. And without a doubt, that creativity and skill was on display. Big shoutout to the living legends 1K #NewsYouCanTrust and Vamp! Also, shoutout to 1K for having the first non-Warzone clip!!!



Thanks to everyone who submitted in Week 2! Get your week 3 submissions in before Midnight EST on Sunday, February 14th!


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