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#RagNation Clip of the Week (Week 3)

Mama we made it! 3 weeks into clip of the week and the clips keep on rolling! I swear every week it gets harder and harder to choose a winner. We are going back to our roots of 1 winner plus a few honorable mentions.

If you would like to submit your clip of the week, join our discord here! The only other requirement is that you are a sub on Twitch. The clips can come from any game! If you have any questions, comment below or ask me in discord. The best format to submit the clip link is via a twitter link or YouTube link!

The Week 3 Winner is....


Not only do I love this clip for the clean 3 snipes (nice platinum flex btw) - but the creativity to bring the clip onto Tiktok really fired me up!! Nice trio wipe here, Jake! The shots were on point brother.

You can find Jake on Twitch, Twitter or Tiktok! Please follow him by simply clicking on the hyperlinks. He's one follower off 100 on Twitch! Jake streams Monday-Thursday starting around 10:30pm EST.

Honorable Mentions

One of the winners last week, HollywoodGamin hit ANOTHER Collat!!! Keep fragging brother


This clip.....oh Santi


1K got the best of me here. GG good sir. See you next time


Throwing knife OP? Plz nerf

Thanks to everyone who submitted in Week 3! Get your week 4 submissions in before Midnight EST on Sunday, February 21st!


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