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#RagNation Clip of the Week (Week 6)

Updated: Feb 28

Week 6 is in the books and the clips keep on rolling. This was probably the most difficult week to choose one single winner. And surprisingly enough, the winner isn't a Warzone or Call of Duty clip....

If you would like to submit your clip of the week, join our discord here! The only other requirement is that you are a sub on Twitch. The clips can come from any game! If you have any questions, comment below or ask me in discord. The best format to submit the clip link is via a twitter link or YouTube link!

The Week 6 Winner is...


Victory Speech

"Thank you Rag Nation for this prestigious award. First off, I would like to thank Justinfly15 for sucking so bad that I had to carry him to victory with this four piece. It would not be possible without you, little pup, but the student has become the master.

You’re welcome for finally adding a clip to the collection that isn’t Warzone. It's about time someone brought something different to the table and I hope this leads to more diverse clips. Honestly, it took me one try and here I am. This means that I am just built different.

1K I have high hopes and expectations for you grasshopper. If you need a carry, you know how to reach me."

Believe me when I say this, I also could not believe that MFans won this COTW, BUT this clip speaks for itself. My mans has been grinding Valorant lately and it's showing. This was a really nice four piece from Matt, who is getting better every day on MnK.

FIRST VALORANT CLIP IS IN - which game will we feature next?

Honorable Mentions


JSauce rivals BlakeAndrew in the art of streaming sniping. Very talented individual that legitimately saved our boy Braindead Bernie from almost certain death in Verdansk by dropping him a BAG of cash plus all the ammo Bern could want. GG JSauce, keep being the hero that he need.


McNasty knows the key to my heart - a good sniping clip. Beautiful shots brother! Keep slaying.


Nice squad wipe + bonus points for his taste in style.

FFAR >>>

Thanks to everyone who submitted in Week 6! Get your week 7 submissions in before Midnight EST on Sunday, March 14th!

1 comment

1 Kommentar

08. März 2021

This might be your best post yet!

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