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#RagNation Clip of the Week (Week 7)

Updated: Feb 28

Week 7 Baby!!! The weeks are flying by. This Sunday, we will be hosting the Rag Nation Draft in Warzone. Submit your clips from that tournament for week 8's clip of the week!

If you would like to submit your clip of the week, join our discord here! The only other requirement is that you are a sub on Twitch. The clips can come from any game! If you have any questions, comment below or ask me in discord. The best format to submit the clip link is via a twitter link or YouTube link!

The Week 7 Winner is...


GOLAZOOOOO. This guy is simply the YOUNGEST and STRONGEST Leg I know...GG man, this goal was wild. I have played a lot of Fifa during my gaming career and this is honestly the first time I have ever seen someone score off a corner kick without any other assistance.

YoungLeg is President of TwoFootTalk. TwoFootTalk is a knowledgeable and satirical show about everything European Futbol. Bringing the banter and knowledge to the states. The TwoFootTalk Podcast is available on both Spotify and Apple Podcast.

Additionally, YL streams on Twitch and co-hosts a gambling soccer podcast with our very own, KOTN, called Kick 'Em.

Victory Speech

Honorable Mentions


Let me just say, I love the name rebrand. I think it is very fitting and this clip proves why. Sully is truly some premium content.


This clip genuinely made me laugh


They talk about the snipes...

JPrem (Gabagool Master)

Thanks to everyone who submitted in Week 7! Get your week 8 submissions in before Midnight EST on Sunday, March 28th!


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