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Skills Based Matchmaking

SBMM - one of the hottest topics in gaming today. Does it belong or should it be removed? I'll let you decide that, but here are my thoughts on the topic.

Let me start by stating this - SBMM favors newer/lesser skilled players and works against Skilled players.

The main problem with SBMM is that it turns every game into a sweat-fest. MW was the first CoD that implemented SBMM into their public match lobbies. From the start, I have never been a fan for obvious reasons - I am used to "pubstomping" which is basically where you just slay out lobbies and get high kill gameplay. This is why sometimes you'll hear streamers and YouTubers talk about "Christmas Noobs" because after the holidays is typically when you get the easiest lobbies because so many new players got the game for Christmas. RIP Christmas noobs because this is now a thing of the past.

When I started to really get into Modern Warfare, I could sense that the lobbies just felt different. Every opponent was more skilled than previous CoDs and I thought it was because CoD players in general were getting better. That simply wasn't the case - insert SBMM.

I thought MW lobbies were sweaty until I played 24/7 Nuketown on Cold War. Cold War truly takes SBMM to another level. This was especially evident when Censor tweeted this pic -

Professional Call of Duty players struggling to get 2.0KD in public matches is....wild. To put even more gas under the fire, CW KD is not even a true KD. In Cold War, players are given an elimination even if they get an assist. Therefore, 2 teammates can each get a kill on the same enemy they were shooting. Could you imagine how low the KDs would be if we saw true KDs? That is why I imagine Treyarch when does the route as eliminations being kills + assists.

With all that being said, I will say that I do believe SBMM belongs in Multiplayer Video Games, especially shooters. The reason for this is to not turn off newer players to the game. Let's be honest, dying repeatedly in any game isn't a fun time especially when you're trying to learn a new game. It's also the responsibility of the game devs to care about both the skilled and newer players.

Take Fortnite for example - SBMM works wonders in that game. The main reason being a lesser skilled player will lose to a better player an extremely high percentage of the time. So, if you're new to Fortnite, you'll continuously get wrecked and ultimately stop playing the game. I think the AI/Bots are dumb in Fortnite but that's another story.

Specifically to Warzone, I am not opposed to having SBMM. However, it is very frustrating to continuously play in lobbies that are at a high level with nothing to show. My solution is to simply add some ranking system or designation next to each player's name to indicate where they stand in the SBMM rankings. It would certainly motivate me to play better and reach the highest level possible. This is why ranked modes succeed so well in gaming. But imagine playing Ranked Valorant but had no diamond or immortal to show for it. You just play in sweaty lobbies and try to drop your best gameplay. That's what a lot of high level Warzone players are feeling right now. We have nothing to show for the SBMM working against us.

Do I selfishly want SBMM completely removed - obviously, yes. But, do I understand it's purpose and necessity for newer players - also, yes.

I cannot imagine CoD ever going back to non-SBMM days, so my rationale is we gota learn to play with the cards we are given. If SBMM is in the game, GIVE US A RANKING SYSTEM! I do think part of the ranked mode is why I have been having such a draw to Fortnite lately.

Am I crazy or nah?



I am definitely crazy. But thank you for agreeing



yes you are crazy but I agree with this blog

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