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The BEST AR in Warzone?

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

This gun has been getting a lot of notoriety lately on the competitive Warzone scene. Made famous by the slayer, Biffle, the Amax is now one of the favorite guns for competitive players. Initially, the Amax was written off by Warzone players largely for the fact that the largest clip size is only 45 rounds. However, this gun packs a punch and is slowly becoming my favorite AR to use. I breakdown my Amax loadout in this YouTube video and also showcase a 20 kill solo win with the Amax.

The Amax feels slightly stronger than the Kilo, however, the recoil is tougher to control. For some odd reason, the VLK sight feels much smoother on this gun than the Blue Dot (I'm shocked myself) + we customize the reticle with the T-Pose sight.

Whereas 45 round mags does seem like a disadvantage, I rarely notice it during gunfights. The only downside I will say about this gun is that the bullet velocity is not great. Meaning, when you shoot people out of the sky, you need to lead the bullets much more than you do compared to the Kilo. Again, not a large negative, but definitely something to look out for.

After using this gun for several games, I can definitely say it's a top 1 AR in-line with the Kilo. Once you have the recoil pattern down pat, the 20 bombs are going to be flowing EASILY.

What guns do you guys want me to feature next?


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