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The CDL is being EXPOSED

The last person that the CDL (Call of Duty League) should want to upset is its most popular player that single-handedly boosts viewership numbers. For a lot of us Competitive CoD fans, Scump (aka the King of CoD) was probably a large reason why you got introduced into the scene and continued to watch.

On Twitter today, Scump exposed the CDL on a few different fronts. This first tweet is an all around YIKES.

Tweets from CoD's largest content creator + competitive player bring up a lot of obvious red flags. Nickmercs fully supported Scump and encourage Scump to take a stand for the benefit of all competitive CoD Players.

Scump's message continued to receive positive responses, including this tweet from Doug "Censor" Martin:

The CDL is really trying to control many different aspects of all their pro players' content. This is extremely eye-opening for outsiders like myself to see.

I'll keep on the lookout for anything else in regardless to the CDL situation. The CDL really should be careful because Warzone competitive viewership has absolutely exploded throughout the recent months. I do not think it is out of the realm of reality to see Scump leave the CDL and become a Warzone player for OpTic. I do not think it is likely, but he certainly has that option always to fall back on.

Please leave your thoughts below! Does the CDL have to worry about Scump potentially retiring?


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