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The WORST Version of Nuketown

Updated: Feb 28

I think everyone knew this post was coming...let's dive into the problems with Nuketown and why it is my least favorite variation of the map.

From year to year, not much changes within the actual map of Nuketown. They update the cars, houses and buses. But for the most part, the map is the same as we expect. Everyone gets excited to have it back and then opinions change once people play it. Prior to the release of the map, I was already doubting the playability of the map:

Obviously, I had to try the map for myself before just writing it off. Let me just say it went pretty much how I thought:

The biggest difference between the Nuketowns of old and Nuketown '84 is the biggest difference in CoD now - SBMM (I will be writing a blog about my thoughts on SBMM soon). Skills based matchmaking is probably the hottest topic of debate within the gaming community. It gives casual players a chance to get better and makes experienced players rage because they are constantly playing in a CDL lobby.

When it comes to a small, action-packed map like Nuketown, SBMM is TERRIBLE for above average players because themselves and their opponents know how to take advantage of the spawns and the map itself. When a new map comes out, everyone has to learn said new map. When it is a reskinned map that is 10+ years old, these lobbies become increasingly frustrating because players can run the same strategies as they always have to spawn trap.

CoD Stud Galvanize opened my eyes up to the biggest problem with the map:

Nuketown, very similar to Shipment but on a lesser scale, is supposed to be pure chaos. This map achieves that. However, and it will always blow my mind when a decade old map has this problem, the spawns are broken in Nuketown '84. After reading Dom's comment, I tried out Nuketown a few more times and multiple times I spawned directly where someone is already aiming down sights or an enemy will spawn directly behind me when it should be impossible. Adding broken spawns with 2XP + Sweaty Lobbies and you have a recipe for disaster.

I have come to the realization that CW Multi will just be for ranking up weapons to use in Warzone. It won't be for typical pubstomping like CoDs of the past. Even with this same mentality, it is ultra frustrating to constantly be spawn trapped on Nuketown '84 when I am just trying to rank up my guns.

My best strategy - play the map with minimal expectations, maybe some music in the background and strictly go for ranking up guns. In a Call of Duty where ranking up guns takes hours upon hours, you should really be maximizing the Double Weapon XP that CW is providing during this time. We still aren't sure which gun(s) will be broken when they integrate Cold War into Warzone - so it's best to try everything out.


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