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The Top 3 Most Underrated Slayers in the BGL (Week 2)

In week 1 of the Barstool Gaming League, we were primarily introduced to the competing teams, while some individuals really made a name for themselves. Ebatez (Team KFC Radio) dropped the first (and possibly only) 30 bomb of the tournament and HelpfulEvil (Lights Camera Barstool) did what he always does, hit an insane clip that left spectators speechless.

Tomorrow, we'll come out with the BGL Power Rankings for Week 2. For this blog, I want to focus on the 3 most underrated slayers left in the tournament. Everyone knows the big name slayers like Frozone and Tommey, so I want to focus on the individuals that slide past everyone's radar.

Gracious (Spittin Chiclets)

Gracious is one of 5 players returning from the Barstool College Gaming Championship and looking to provide his team some firepower in the BGL. Gracious represented Montana State in the College Gaming Championship along the infamous MOP and known slayer, Commadah. Funny enough, Gracious actually slipped through the cracks on Montana State and was overshadowed by Commadah's performance. Gracious was always very close with kills compared to Commadah, but truthfully I don't think he got the recognition he deserves.

In Week 1 of the BGL, he was 4th for the most eliminations (60 total) out of 36 players. However, he was 2nd in kills on his own team because one of XSet's professional Warzone players, Kekoa, outslayed Brayden by 12 kills. In week 2, Kekoa will be sitting out for NEWLY signed XSet Frozone.

I am really looking forward to Gracious casually dropping his 20 bombs in Week 2.

Clapkowski (Pardon My Take)

Aaron Ripkowski, without a doubt, is one of the most underrated players in the BGL. I had the opportunity to run with him several times and he is absolutely cracked. We saw Clapkowski have one of the craziest plays of the tournament turning a 5th place game into a 2nd place finish (which is + 13 placement points) by solo wiping multiple squads and making a crazy gas mask play.

He reps a 3.4 KD and can easily manage to clutch up a solo trio. In week 1, he was rocking an M16/Mac10 loadout and I would expect the same this week. I am really looking forward to some more crazy clutches from Aaron on Thursday.

I am also confident in saying he could lay out any fellow BGL competitor in an Oklahoma drill.

TouchPapa (Zero Blog Thirty)

Former CMC tournament champ, TouchPapa is a MENACE on the sticks. As mentioned in the Power Ranking for week 1, he practically lives in Verdansk and is constantly competing in 2v2 Warzone tournaments. Touch took home the 5th most elims (56 total) in week 1 and really co-led Zero Blog Thirty to secure 3rd place with 197 points.

Tony typically runs the morning shift on Warzone, so it's nice to see him lighting it up in the evenings.

Oh btw, he also placed 2nd in Mutex's Mumu Medallion sub tournament and lost to none other than Superevan. GGs all around.

Be on the lookout for some 20 bombs coming from TouchPapa.


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