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We DON'T Need another WWII Game

I thought long and hard about if I wanted to make this blog or not. In the end, I wanted to explain my viewpoint and thoughts about "WWII Vanguard."

Last night, @ModernWarzone broke this news on Twitter:

Needless to say after reading the title, I was (and still am not) a happy camper.

The biggest argument that I have seen for a pro-WWII game is that Call of Duty has released only one WWII title in past 10 years. I understand that. BUT, this does not take into account all the videos games that we have already played set in this exact same setting! To list a few:

- Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

- Battlefield 1942

- Battlefield V

- CoD World at War

- CoD WWII (one of the worst CoDs in my opinion)

- CoD 2

- CoD 3

For me, seeing another WWII game is actually deflating. We've played this same game with the same guns so many times over again that I can't be anything except annoyed. Isn't the WWII gameplay a little bit overplayed by this time?

To me, dropping another WWII game is lazy. What makes games fun is the creativity that goes into said game. This is why everyone loved Fortnite or even Warzone. Fortnite was a completely new BR that added a building mechanic that was never seen before in a shooter, let alone a Battle Royale. And before I get absolutely torched, Warzone adding in a cash and deployment system + contracts were absolutely game-changing, this cannot be denied. Without this system, Warzone would have felt like every other BR before it (H1, PUBG, or Blackout as examples). Now in the case of WWII Vanguard, what more can be done for a WWII setting that hasn't been seen? This is my biggest issue.

If you have been in my stream, you know that my favorite Call of Duty (public matches + competitive) is Black Ops 3. The movement system, weapon balance, time to kill and map design were second to none. It was probably the last CoD (non-Battle Royale) that I could truly play for multiple hours a day, every day, and not get bored. I know this isn't everyone's opinion, but I stand by this. (Click here for some young Rags BO3 clips)

Now don't get me wrong, this game could absolutely slap and I could eat these words. On the contrary, given Sledgehammers recent CoD productions, my expectations are very low for WWII Vanguard. I am hopeful the game will be enjoyable (mainly for Search and Destroy). At the end of the day, I will still be primarily playing a Battle Royale, whether it's Warzone, some Halo BR, or some new game entirely. Battle Royales are obviously the style of game that people want, so I don't think WWII Vanguard will shake up the scene much (similar to Cold War).

I would imagine Warzone will incorporate the Vanguard guns in the same way they introduced the Cold War guns. But for now, only time will tell.


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