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Welcome to MRags Training Camp

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Whether you want to call it Try Hard Tuesday or Tutorial Tuesday, MRags Training Camp is here starting this Tuesday on Twitch!

Currently, I have two videos on YouTube starting the series. The first video covers all my settings that I use (Non-PC graphics settings - if you guys would like, I can easily make a video going through my graphics for PC) and the second is 4 tips I always try to remember when playing Warzone. You can find the two videos here or you can always check out the MRags Training Camp Playlist on my YouTube channel.

Ideally, what I want this series to be is a chance for me to explain the thought process behind my decisions in Warzone. Ultimately, the best players in Warzone attack gunfights and position certain ways to help boost their chances of winning each gunfight. Once you reach a certain gunskill level, the only ways to take your game to the next level is through your positioning, movement and playstyle. In CoD and any first/third person shooter, gunskill alone can only win so many gunfights. If you are constantly out of position, you will always be at a disadvantage.

Tonight at 7:30pm EST, we are going to start with some Solos (and maybe Solo Duos) and I am going to walk through each decision I make and why I am positioning in certain ways. Solos are the easiest for me to teach players how to become better, but as the weeks progress I definitely will be incorporating Duos, Trios and Squads into the mix. Each of these game modes require slightly different playstyles so it's important to have the foundation of each down pat.

In Warzone, you're either playing for high kill games, a win or some combination of the two. My playstyle is typically high kill games, but once it starts reaching 4th circle, I slow down my game and start positioning for the win. Knowing how to adapt in these scenarios is key. I will walk you through both how to play for high kill wins and also how to help increase your chances of securing a win.

You can catch the action live here: - feel free to chat and ask me any questions!

If you are unable to make the stream, check the YouTube for new uploads to the Training Camp!

My goal for this series is to help Rag Nation become slayers in Verdansk! Also, the tips I give can translate to virtually any other first or third person shooter, you just need to know how to adapt the tips to make them work for your said game.

If you see "MRags Training Camp" in my stream title, hop in! Let me know what you guys would like to see out of this series and I am happy to tailor the stream to you.


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